
Showing posts from March, 2020

Fault II

Responsibility as a human trait is a factor that has always remained at a perfect equilibrium. Something or someone has to take blame and as often is with the human specie, disseminate blame. It’s either your fault, their fault or something’s fault. Now, it is important to remember that where the responsibility falls isn’t always where the actual blame lies. Let’s see into that a little, how often do people accept blame, how often do people say yes, “that is my fault?” how often do you? I will answer that for you, rarely and at best, not often enough. A burden lies with responsibility, a need to set things right, a guilt and thus a lot of people would preferably escape these. However though, while you read this article, I would like you to think back to and remember the times you did take blame. I’m going to mention a little about stats you could already know, but as you scheme through, pay a little more thought into it, thank you. ·       ...