Fault II

Responsibility as a human trait is a factor that has always remained at a perfect equilibrium. Something or someone has to take blame and as often is with the human specie, disseminate blame. It’s either your fault, their fault or something’s fault. Now, it is important to remember that where the responsibility falls isn’t always where the actual blame lies. Let’s see into that a little, how often do people accept blame, how often do people say yes, “that is my fault?” how often do you? I will answer that for you, rarely and at best, not often enough. A burden lies with responsibility, a need to set things right, a guilt and thus a lot of people would preferably escape these. However though, while you read this article, I would like you to think back to and remember the times you did take blame.

I’m going to mention a little about stats you could already know, but as you scheme through, pay a little more thought into it, thank you.
·         Imperfection is a life trait, no matter how much effort you put into things, they will rarely ever turn out the way you dreamed they would.
·         People are shit, and as being such will occasionally (or more often depending on how shitty their god made them) portray shitty behavior,
·         Life crumbles, sometimes things just stop working for you and everything fails.
·         You probably do not have control over things as much as you think you do, and therefore cannot control turn outs for everything
Now, allow me to explain where I am going with this. Lately I am noticing as a result of well, people being human, there goes about a deficit of blame, what I will choose to call responsibility. This then leads to absorption of this deficit by the opposite parties. In some cases, blame and responsibility are too much, too intense and thus is meant to be split amongst for certain actions, but I am noticing a greedy trend where one party burdens all the responsibility. You are this party tonight.(if you are not reading this at night, its prolly night time somewhere, if you have no access to a gmt time chart, think of Pluto. I’m writing from there)

A little too often, we feel bad over things we have no control over, we go to bed crying over people’s behaviors, like they are puppets we’re meant to control. We break down when our businesses crumble as if its an abomination to fail, we feel useless when we disappoint, when we fail, as if they don’t disappoint back, as if they never fail. These are all form of responsibility weighing on us. Too many of this times, the equilibrium shifts wrong. Now I must say, its commendable that we choose to shoulder the blame. That we have enough compassion for other parties involved that we would be willing to take on the pain alone. I could even say beautiful. But you must know that when responsibility isn’t disemminated right, things go wrong. Lessons that rise from guilt do not rise, people do not grow and that behavior and doing is certainly bound to come around again. You really need to know it’s not fair. It’s not fair that despite the facts that exist, you choose to think of yourself as at fault. It’s not right that you get punished and punish yourself for faults that aren’t yours. Its not fair that you feel insufficient because of things people say and do, that’s just out of your control. It’s not in the slightest fair that you’d rather feel all these when its not your place to. Its selfish. It wasn’t your fault and you know it. When I say its not fair, I do not even mean for you. Because now that you have taken all this guilt for yourself, they will never know that it was their fault. They will not develop a need to be better, they won’t be sorry, they won’t say they are sorry, you won’t find out they are. And someone else gets hurt by their behavior, and as the chain commands, this time it actually becomes your fault.

Whenever shit that involves you happens, before you disseminate blame, before you take responsibility, take time. Analyze the facts, remember truths. It doesn’t have to always be your fault, you’re not as bad as you think.


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