
Might as well be the cracking of the Davinci Code. If you ever honestly want know what's actually going on with  someone(spoiler; the Davinci code is another Basic) All you have to do is add really.
If you ask someone what they're doing and what they're really doing, bet your bottom dollar the answers will vary, and that's just an instance, add really to every question with a possibility of evasion from the actual and you'll see. But I'm going to focus on one question in particular., rather a particular concept. How you are,how you feel so, "How are you, really?/what's wrong, really?/is anything the matter, really?" along a bunch of same concept questions posed. Now the twist here becomes, instead of you posing this question to someone else or somebody posing it to you, you're asking yourself how am I really. I'll get to why in a short while.

Little detour. Let's agree on a few's alright to react, it's alright to not be cool because someone did you dirty, it's alright to be angry enough to cry, it's alright to maybe to throw a pillow onto the floor, it's alright to shout or scream as much as your lungs will let you, to go out drinking(responsibly of course?), it's alright to find an energy flow for the emotion within you. It doesn't make you emotional or soft or easy to lose your anger or anything anyone will say. I don't really care about that at the moment tho. I'm more concerned about if you know why, and I mean really why you're feeling the way you do and if you know, again if you really know who towards you feel that way about.

I've seen people have a bad day at work and come take it out on their families, seen people have an inconvenience at school and shout at mama wa mboga , seen people shoot their families because of disagreements with acquaintances, seen people fight over false disagreements just because one of them or maybe both are having problems with their relationships (which by the way does not involve the other) and if I do say so myself, that's injustice. None of these people deserve your blow or shout or disrespect or unfair treatment.they don't even know why your mad, why there's anger all over your wrinkles and even if they do, it does not involve them.

Tell me something, how would you feel, how would you really feel if you got shot because some guy in Madagascar got arrested?. I know, that doesn't make sense, and that's exactly how it feels holding into account the pain from the gunshot wound.
It's not fair to go to bed wondering what's wrong with you just because "it was a wrong time for your dad" , to go home with a black eye because what's up with your friend, to take home a body.
Did I mention it's not fair to take out your frustrations or anger or whatever emotion on someone who doesn't deserve it? Because that shit is unkind. And there isn't a soul uglier than an unkind soul.

So if you're angry, before you take it out on someone or something (because that glass didn't do shit to you either) ask yourself, am I really angry at them,at it. Are they really why you feel the way you do?. Because if they aren't, then they REALLY don't deserve to share in whatever negative emotion you have going on.

Don't hurt people that don't deserve it, because that's a boomerang baby.finna come back on you.


  1. Am REALLY impressed this is so true

  2. Then again you hit back with something basic but fragile. This was interestingly true.

  3. We really need to do it right

    This is really intriguing

  4. Dont hurt people that dont deserve it....I couldn't agree more

  5. felt like im at a therapist with all these 'really' questions.. im still puzzled tho!

  6. An unkind soul is one of the things we should do away with in 2019.


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