Immense writings in forms of songs, poetry, articles and books have been done by remarkable persons over the years. Trick is, love seems to be different from one expression of it to another. I agree with all of them however. Did I say all?
So the question is, has love evolved?, is Iove dependent on circumstance? Or whatever you're thinking.
Tell you what, Love is what you make of it.Fuck what you've read about love, fuck what you've deduced from watching films about love, to hell with what they said about love.
Think of Love as a god(to be gender sensitive, sometimes god is a woman.and no I do not mean goddess). And this god has reincarnated in you Picasso, Davinci maybe even Eminem or whoever you admire as a creator of masterpieces. And your relationship is a canvas. You have the ability to make out of it whatever you want. Make love what you need it to be, make it what you desire of it. Own love.
See, the moment you start making it what you read or heard you're being inoriginal.and that's cheap.
You fail at love the moment you let someone else draw on your canvas. They can't make as accurate a depiction of your need of love as you can. Doesn't matter how bad you are at long as it's your working, it's a masterpiece.
Everything you've read and watched and heard about love I agree with, because that's their creations of love.thats what they made their love into. Doesn't dictate what yours should be. Make yours different too.
Yours is beautiful, because there's not a thing that's as good as you can imagine it. No one is as beautiful as s/he is in your head. Nothing is as exciting as your fantasy. There's no love greater than your imagination of it.
Own love, Make out of it what you want, what you need. Go Picasso on your love.
Definitely going Picasso my love 🔥