Relationships, the Titanic
We all want forever, i mean at least for the things we enjoy and the people we enjoy being with. Relationships is such situations, once you're in a good relationship, you never really want it to end, you always want to wake up next to them, to have more dates, to visit more places together, to be happier. But you see, the tragedy is, nothing lasts forever, so we make things last for as long as we can. I know you know that, but do you really understand that you know it? When we talk about relationships, all people think about is how it begins and the course of it, call it hopeful thinking even. And thinking about the end might be considered anticipating it or you could choose to call it being thoughtful. In relationships, we always hope it ends well if it ever does because in the moment we are so in love with this person. So the technicals of how it ends and possibly the when are left to hope. Choosing to focus on the now, and not really the end. And Hope is such a bleak context. T...