
Showing posts from September, 2021

Relationships, the Titanic

We all want forever, i mean at least for the things we enjoy and the people we enjoy being with. Relationships is such situations, once you're in a good relationship, you never really want it to end, you always want to wake up next to them, to have more dates, to visit more places together, to be happier. But you see, the tragedy is, nothing lasts forever, so we make things last for as long as we can. I know you know that, but do you really understand that you know it? When we talk about relationships, all people think about is how it begins and the course of it, call it hopeful thinking even. And thinking about the end might be considered anticipating it or you could choose to call it being thoughtful. In relationships, we always hope it ends well if it ever does because in the moment we are so in love with this person. So the technicals of how it ends and possibly the when are left to hope. Choosing to focus on the now, and not really the end. And Hope is such a bleak context.  T...

Self Gratuity

I do understand, really. To give because you get. People attach reward to everything right? I mean why do something if it has no returns? I agree actually. But my problem is with the fail of acknowledgement to forms of reward that exist. Especially with deeds of decency and human welfare.  There's a heart gratuity that comes with helping strangers, like orphans or street kids, it makes you feel better about yourself because little by little, you're doing your part to make the world a better place for the people you can. But here's the weird part, you will not let yourself feel the same amount of gratuity from helping people in your life. You see, I do understand the difference in ability. The orphan can't extend a hand back but your friend can, yes. But that quote about holding yourself back from helping people because if you needed help they wouldn't do the same? You're probably right about them not going to do the same if you needed the help but if you can hel...

Love and Pain

Simply because someone gives us love. We expect bliss. We convince ourselves that they could be nothing but angels. So, when the pain comes, they become devils. It becomes a breach, a betrayal.  We begin to question the very love we couldn't live without. Simply because now they are causing pain as if the two cannot coexist. As if one does not simply come after the other. Because a cup broke, does it cease to become a cup? Is it simply not just a broken cup? Isn't pain simply broken love? You see, everyone is capable of love as much as they are capable of causing pain. We have all been hurt by people that loved us, we have all hurt people we love. It's unfair to doubt it, the love. They will hurt you, you need to understand that and not be scared of that eventuality. Eventuality exists in the future, don't forget to live in the now

Awareness is transcedence

 Awareness is something we presumably know. But I find that we only think we know and aren't aware. But what's the difference? I would define awareness as the acknowledgment of knowledge, to know that you know, to know that you do not. People think that it is enough to know, but never really think about knowing that they know. Then again, but what's the point of knowing that you know if you already know it?  Okay, enough wordplay. When someone asks a question that you know the answer to, you just give it. But when you don't know the answer, you think about the answer you do not know. Now, do you think it makes you any lesser to not think of the answer? They say the thought counts, yes. So what if you thought about the answer you know before giving it. What if everything you know how to do, you'd think about, even though you know you know how to do it. Do you think you'd do better? Record scratch, let's look at it from a different angle. We can almost agree t...

Intention and Interpretation.

This should've been the one thing i should've written about first. it's always on my mind. let me know your views in the comment section.  do you ever mean for something in a positive way and it comes out all wrong or they get it all wrong? maybe something you say or something you do maybe because of the way you said or did it or their history  thats the difference between intention and interpretation. what you meant and how it got out. so can we control both?