Love and Pain

Simply because someone gives us love. We expect bliss. We convince ourselves that they could be nothing but angels. So, when the pain comes, they become devils. It becomes a breach, a betrayal. 

We begin to question the very love we couldn't live without. Simply because now they are causing pain as if the two cannot coexist. As if one does not simply come after the other. Because a cup broke, does it cease to become a cup? Is it simply not just a broken cup? Isn't pain simply broken love?
You see, everyone is capable of love as much as they are capable of causing pain. We have all been hurt by people that loved us, we have all hurt people we love. It's unfair to doubt it, the love. They will hurt you, you need to understand that and not be scared of that eventuality. Eventuality exists in the future, don't forget to live in the now


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