the Emotion diversity

 I think we all know that the same way we experience an immensely wide range of emotions, the people around us do too. But I have discovered that we are not aware of it. 

Stemming from expectations we have and a subconscious filler, everyone around us is supposed and expected to be happy. Not that it is said but more because they expect the same too. You see, it has become so deep rooted that even though we might not openly take credit for it, other people around us being happy makes us happy. People will say that it is because moods are contagious and we get influenced by what others are feeling but in reality, we feel happy because we subconsciously attach a feeling of accomplishment. Our subconscious convinces itself and eventually us that we are somehow responsible for their happiness. So if you think about it, syndromes such as the savior complex or healer syndrome came to life from this. When someone around us is sad or crying or just generally unhappy, our subconscious convinces itself that somehow we are to blame thus we need to feel sad as well or stop them from crying or attempt to fix whatever is wrong in their lives. We convince ourselves it is our duty to be in the way of every negative emotion the people around us feel because of the fear that what does that say about us. Not because we want a happier planet

Therefore whenever someone is crying, the impulse is to stop them from crying. Not because the sound of them crying is annoying or anything, just so we stop feeling bad and possibly guilty about it. Yet whenever we are going through the same all we really wanna say is "please leave me alone to cry?''. But when someone is going through it, we don't see it that way, we just want them to stop. Which I would be okay with because both parties allegedly benefit. But do they? 

The diversity of emotion peaks at experience. Amusement, joy, eroticism, beauty, relaxation, sadness, dreaminess, triumph, anxiety, scariness, annoyance, defiance, and feeling pumped up. The acknowledgement of these emotions, the surf and the explorativinity of it all. Otherwise there is consequences. My friend once said about crying, that 'When we do not cry, other parts of us weep.' When emotions that demand to be felt are ignored because we convinced someone to smile instead of cry or be happy and 'strong' instead of grief get converted. You see emotions are energy, raw energy. Here's a little Physics lesson, energy never dies or get destroyed, it only changes form through a process Physics scholars and my high school lecturer call transduction. The same way when someone ignores pain that must be felt, they end up sick or depressed or anxious or with intrusive thoughts or mentally unstable. Because his sadness turned into something else. 

Its important that we let people feel things, that we teach our children and friends to bask in emotion. It is beautiful to demonstrate support when people are going through difficult times, noble even. But that can be done without cutting the process short or interfering with the paramounce of balance. Because interference means that in the long term, only we benefitted through self gratitude and left them with emotional debt. 

Its okay to let people experience things they need to experience, its absolutely okay to not be in a position to help someone when they are in emotional pain, to not know what to do when they are crying, its okay to just be there, its important.


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