The Independence of Relationships.

 So, why do relationships fail? There's not really a singular answer, there are lots of reasons. But I've been thinking about one so I'll share it with you? 

The most basic way to ask this is, Can you tell the difference in the love you feel for your family from the one you feel for your friends and the kind for your romance partners? Can you say I love you to people and be able to be genuine and indifferent about how you mean it to people? I think not. everyone I have engaged within this was not able to, and for males, I concluded that's particularly why love for them was hard to say around each other or even to each other. It's because they only recognize love in a romantic setting, So they are unable to say they love each other, unable to recognize that they do. I think it is why when you say I love you to a friend, they would consider that a leeway, they become indifferent in the friendship wanting more because you love them, it subconsciously registers as something they should be getting. If you are in any way expressing love to people, whether it's through caring or looking out for them, you battle with a constant. That in not so long they will want you romantically, because forms of love for them do not exist outside the romantic realm, and in entirety, they do not know how to experience it.

The reason why I think relationships don't last in relation to this is simple, people we engage with are unaware of the weight of affection that it should come with being with people in different ways. So they do not hold the relationship seriously enough, they fail to understand how different they should be in the relationship. That's why the best friends thing comes in tow, insecurities about mere friendships ruining relationships. We get confused by our feelings of love for our friends because we do not know that we are able to love them, thus we try to alternate it with our romantic loves, they do not mix well. People are willing to forfeit relationships because they can get the same kind of love elsewhere, someone saying, who needs a relationship when you have friends.

But what my problem really is, is the inexperience. We have cocooned ourselves in an inability to experience love in the different forms it comes, we have stripped relationships of their independence and are thus in competition. Wives feeling less loved than their husband's mothers, best friends fighting for the love they think is going to your spouse, different forms of relationships fighting for a singular form of love when their independence dictate they should have an each their own. You will experience love in a whole new light once you're able to give it independently, you will love more intensely because you will simply be able to give more love over a spectrum of forms. Love more, become more aware of how you do it.


  1. This piece is beautiful...I couldn't agree more

    1. I'm glad you agree w me, thank you for taking time to read.

  2. The lines on love are however important, they serve a purpose.

  3. life so easy


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