I think this is the most controversial issue I have come across. You either just got out of one, just got into one, are thinking about getting into one with particulars or are advising your friends on theirs. Either way, directly or indirectly you are part of relationships. Allow me to give you my take a.k.a basic rules to being in a relationship. Rule number 1; you are not in a relationship unless it's called out and both of you are aware of it. A lot of people I have met with torn relationships aren't usually surprised at it ending because they just "found" themselves in the situations and didn't know how to say no to being called baby or got carried away and was in too deep by the time they got word of it. Thus there's a lot of indecisiveness. Petty disagreements cause hurt: not posting each other, spending time with other people more, being too busy, still talking to the ex, still talking to the would've-been, still got hoes and most prominently, ...